Finished! Honestly, I lost motivation towards the end there, that’s why the clothing is pretty minimal. I was worried half way through that this wouldn’t turn out at all. Even though I’m not 100% happy with it, I’m happy with how it turned out. This is because the source picture was not the greatest quality when it came to lighting and clarity. But it’s done! On to other things!

The reason why I drew this picture was because of the sad sad news of Jonathan Crombie’s death. I learned about it at a bad time. I had been rereading the “Anne of Green Gables” book. I had just finished it and, *spoiler alert*, if you read the book or seen the movie, you know the 2nd to last chapter was when Matthew dies. I had cried reading it (seriously, it gets me every time), and then like 2 hours later, I saw the news of Crombie dying, and it really felt like Gilbert has just died! Right in the feels! It was a lot to take in one afternoon.

11×14 bristol paper. HB-6B graphite pencil. Approx. 12- 14 hours.

Keep Drawing!